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来源:岩土工程学报 【在线投稿】 栏目:综合新闻 时间:2020-10-29
摘要:香港科技大学著名岩土工程教授:王幼行教授的研究方向 I nnovative wave-based characterizations of geomaterials (using mechanical and electromagnetic waves). Particulate geomechanics and DEM simulations. Innovative testin


Innovative wave-based characterizations of geomaterials (using mechanical and electromagnetic waves).

Particulate geomechanics and DEM simulations.

Innovative testing techniques (developments and applications of Smart Soil Particles (SSP)/GeoMEMS sensors).

Geotechnical Scalable Architecture for In-time Landslide Warning and Monitoring (GeoSAIL).

Physico-chemical soil behavior (with particular emphasis on clayey soils and cemented sands).

Initiation mechanisms of flow landslides.

Attenuation mechanisms and measurements in particulate media (damping).


Innovative wave-based characterizations of geomaterials (using mechanical and electromagnetic waves).

Particulate geomechanics and DEM simulations.

Innovative testing techniques (developments and applications of Smart Soil Particles (SSP)/GeoMEMS sensors).

Geotechnical Scalable Architecture for In-time Landslide Warning and Monitoring (GeoSAIL).

Physico-chemical soil behavior (with particular emphasis on clayey soils and cemented sands).

Initiation mechanisms of flow landslides.

Attenuation mechanisms and measurements in particulate media (damping).


Keynote lecturer at the International Symposium on Geomechanics from Micro to Macro. IS-Cambridge 2014, Cambridge, UK.

Distinguished Alumni Award, Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University, 2013.

Theme lecturer at the fifth International Symposium on Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials (IS-Seoul 2011), Korea.

The School of Engineering Teaching Award, HKUST, 2008-2009.

ASTM International Hogentogler Award, 2005.

George F. Sowers Award for Ph.D. Students, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2002.

Member, Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society at National Taiwan University, 1994.


Associated Editor, The KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering (2010-2012)

Associate Editor, The HKIE Transactions (2008-2012)

Editorial Board Member, Geomechanics and Engineering, an International Journal. (2008-present)

Member, American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE).

Member, Society of Exploration Geophysicists

Member, Hong Kong Geotechnical Society (HKGES).

Member, Southeast Asian Geotechnical Society

Member, The International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering

Geo-Mechanics from Micro to Macro (ISSMGE TC105).

Member in Large, Hong Kong Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (until 2009).

Board Member (academic affairs), National Taiwan University Alumni Association (Civil and Geology) in Hong Kong (NTUAA) (2003-2013).

Member in the Executive Committee, The Association of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists (Hong Kong) (2010-2012).

Ordinary member, HKIE Geotechnical Division (2010-present).


CIVL 3730 - Fundamentals of GeotechnicsThis course will enable students to understand geotechnical mechanics and associated soil behavior, including basic engineering geology, characteristics of soils, soil compaction, the principle of effective stress, shear strength of soils, the concept of critical state modeling, permeability, seepage problems, ground settlement and consolidation.

CIVL 5710 - Advanced Soil MechanicsSelected topics from recent advances in the theoretical and experimental development in saturated and unsaturated soil mechanics, including behavior of fine-grained soil (clay), flows in saturated and unsaturated media, consolidation theory, stress-strain behavior of soils, drained and undrained strength, and critical state interpretations.

CIVL 5780 - Soils and WavesThe main objective of this course is to gain insights into the soil behavior at the particulate scale by the aids of wave-based techniques. In the first part, fundamentals of soil behavior will be revisited, including an introduction to clay minerals. In the second part, the basics of mechanical and electromagnetic waves will be briefly introduced; followed by a particular emphasis on wave-based characterizations of geomaterials.

文章来源:《岩土工程学报》 网址: http://www.ytgcxb.cn/zonghexinwen/2020/1029/398.html


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